This system is more of a personal growth system, than a healing system. It raises your vibration, and allows you to develop your psychic abilities and will also help you to learn to communicate with others, animals, and the nature Spirit’s through empathy and intuition at a faster pace by connecting you to the higher realms. As such, it also works to help raise the vibration of Earth and Humanity, which in turn, speeds our evolution to higher dimensional thinking.
The Indigo Light Empowerment energy works with the third eye chakra and psychic centers. It enhances psychic abilities through empathy and love. This system will provide a calming effect on Indigo Children and Indigo Adults.
The color blue-violet or indigo activates this energy.
This system is also perfect when working with animal’s since it help you to connect with the animal in a telepathic manner and through empathy.
Your intuition is heightened when you envision the Indigo Lightburst glowing brightly within your third eye.
When working with Indigo Children, you will be able to feel/sense the child’s energies as your energy flows through the child. This also applies when working with animals and Indigo Adults.
As your energy moves through the one being healed, your psychic intuition and sense of empathy picks up on whatever is causing the trouble, and the energies of the Indigo Light Empowerment calms the one you are healing.
When working with Indigo Adults, or yourself, you will find that you (or the other person) will be calmer, you will be able to better express yourself, find it easier to understand others, and your own personal growth will expand. Indigo Adults are those of us who have begun raising your vibrations to meet the needs of others and the evolution of humankind on this planet. We are evolving emotionally and spiritually, and more people are opening up to use their natural psychic abilities. We are growing, evolving, changing, and often we may feel misunderstood and separate
from others.
When working with the energies of the Indigo Light Empowerment, you will begin to understand your life’s path, to know things intuitively, to empathize, with not only others, but also animals, plants, and the Earth it self. Your intuition enhances, your third eye opens, and you will be better able to understand the messages you receive. Whether these messages come to you through visions, images, music, other people, animals, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance, you will also feel more connected to Spirit, all Beings, and Mother Earth.
In working with animals, you will find that you instinctively know what the animal is saying—you may hear it in words, feel it within your own body, or simply just know it without really knowing how you know. Animals cannot communicate with humans by just telling us—they can’t talk to us in our language. Therefore, animals need you to empathize with them in order to communicate with you. It is a sort of telepathic communication, where you may hear what they are saying within your mind, see it in pictures, or feel what they are feeling.
You will be able to feel energy blocks within any animal you work with, and can use either Usui Reiki or Kundalini Reiki to send healing to them. The energies of the Indigo Light Empowerment will calm them and soothe them. Often they will understand what you are saying to them as well. Animals teach us uncondional love, loyalty, forgiveness, service to others, compassion, and respect for other Beings and the Earth.
The purpose for the Indigo Light Empowerment to be brought forth at this time to help raise the vibration of humankind and the Earth.
The Indigo Light Empowerment works to help you understand how to better help these gifted and special children through empathy and love. Often, Indigo children and Adults as well as the crystal children are labeled as being strange, odd, or different. They don’t seem to fit in with the norm that society has set for them. They often are very creative and view the world differently than others. If you feel you are one of these people, or know someone who is, the energies of the Indigo Light Empowerment will help you understand yourself, and others. It has a calming, soothing effect on everyone who uses this energy. Yet, by enhancing your psychic abilities and energizing your psychic centers, you will find that you become even more creative. You will be inspired to reach beyond the limits society sets for you.
Animals and the Earth benefit through a better understanding on the part of humanity. Being able to feel or sense what is troubling animals, be it illness or emotional stress, will allow you to help your pets and other animals. Sometimes they have had emotional and/or physical traumas that bring on behavioral problems.
Using the Indigo energies of the Indigo Light Empowerment will help you communicate with animals, feel physical energy blocks, and through empathy and love you will be able to help animals with behavioral problems calm down and learn what is expected of them. Often, they are trying to communicate with us, but not only do we not understand what they are trying to tell us—but they don’t understand what we are trying to tell them either. Animals do not know human language—they may pick up a word here or there and learn what it means, but generally they cannot just know what we are saying to t hem. They hear the sound of our voice, but the words do not have meaning to them. The Indigo Light Empowerment will help you to understand and better communicate with animals.
You will also find that you are more sensitive to Nature, and may be able to communicate with plants, wild animals and Nature spirit’s.
The energies of this system attune’s you to listening without preset ideas on what is or is not possible. The more you work with the energies of the Indigo Light Empowerment, the more you will be able to “hear” what other “Beings” are telling you. This may come to you in any form of communication—hearing, vision, or just knowing intuitively. It is as if you “become” the other Being for a few moment’s, through empathy and you understand them—and they understand you. It is unconditional love that bonds you.
This system can be used distantly or hands on. During your attunement, an Indigo Lightburst will be placed etherically into your third eye and the palms of your hands. The reason for this is because the energies come in through your third eye and your hands, and are sent out to others the same way. You may feel compassion and love, as Quan Yin will be working within your heart. I must mention here, that as you use these energies, you do not attune the patient or client to the energies (except in passing on the attunement for others to learn, use, and teach), you simply send healing energies and flow with them as they move through the energies of your
patient or client. This allows you to feel the energies and any blockages. It also allows you to pick up what the patient or client are feeling physically, emotionally, and at times their thoughts as well.
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