Good Fortune Prosperity Empowerment (GFPE)

In Level 1 you will receive an attunement that clears negativity from DNA, Karma, Chakras, and your Aura that effects your Prosperity, Abundance, and Good Fortune. We often are not even aware of these negative thought forms that are created within us as we move through our lives, and in many instances we have carried them over into this life from past lives. These need to be released and cleared so that we may receive the gifts of the Universe. You will learn meditations that will help you to continue to clear the negative energies that build up and cling to your energy patterns and block your ability to receive Prosperity and Good Fortune. These meditations will help you to prevent the negative energies from creeping back in and causing the old blocks to return or causing new blocks to your energies that may effect your cash flow and good luck.

In Level 2 you will receive an attunement which will heal the holes left behind by the clearing process. This attunement will fill the empty spaces and help rebuild your energies to repair the damage of negative thought forms and negative energies that have caused your natural energies to weakened. By healing your DNA, Chakras, Aura, and Karma, you can begin to function in a healthier and more stable way. This will strengthen your energies and bring more vitality. You will learn meditations that will help you keep your energies healthy and positive.

In Level 3 you will receive an attunement that draws positive Prosperity and Good Fortune to you. You will learn meditations for attracting Prosperity and Good Fortune and you will be given exercises you can do on your own to draw in more wealth and good luck. Throughout the manual you will learn which Universal Laws apply to being Prosperous and having Good Fortune, and how to use them to influence the positive energies so that you can live a happy and prosperous life. During this master level of Good Fortune Prosperity, your DNA will be reprogrammed to eliminate negative thought forms of lack and limitation, and replace these with positive thought forms of positive Prosperity and Good Fortune. Your chakras will spin faster, and be brighter. Your aura will glow with health and beauty and you will begin to attract more positive things, people, and situations. Your negative karma will be transformed so that you will be open to receive all of the gifts of Spirit.

It is suggested that you receive all three levels at once, in one attunement, each level following immediately after the other. The reason for this is that as you clear and remove the blocks and negative energies, an emptiness or hole is left behind. By receiving all three levels at once, hole is immediately filled with healing energies and not left open vulnerable to unwanted things to enter. The healing energies fill the space and begin to heal wounds, emotional pain, and traumas that may have been caused by the negativity that had been attached. Immediately following this, the third level brings in the positive energies to draw good fortune and prosperity to you immediately. Think of it as if the negative energies and thought forms that are blocking your prosperity and good fortune are an infection that is slowly eating away at you. The first level removes this infection, the second level applies healing like an antibiotic would, and third level fills in the wound with new growth that renews and revitalizes You will not experience the kind of detox that usually occurs with clearing. Though issues may arise that are connected to the negative energies, you simply acknowledge them, and release them in a gentle way without the emotional suffering. This is done in a gentle loving way and the energies this attunement will then begin to heal the issue, followed by the joy and happiness and universal love that draws good fortune and prosperity to you.

There are no prerequisites. Anyone can receive the attunements to Prosperity and Good Fortune Reiki. All symbols will be those that you can visualize yourself and that have meaning to you. If you are open to the idea that everyone is meant to have all they need and desire as long as it is for visualize yourself and that have meaning to you. If you are open to the idea that everyone is meant to have all they need and desire as long as it is for Fortune Reiki course.

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