gTummo Tibetan / gTummo Maoshan

gTumo means "sacred fire (Tejas) consists of isoteric, exoteric and mystic originated from Lhamas in Tibet . Ever since and up to the late twentieth century, gTumo is highly classified lesson and strictly kept from beyond circumference of Lhamas in Tibet .

gTumo come from Tibetan meaning Miraculous Energi Fire. Some teacher of gTumo say that this technique represent adoption of fire blow technique, the powerful self-defence science. In the hand of all teacher later, the technique turn into more useful gTumo .

gTumo goes along with Kundalini in regards to Heat Energy of which Nath tradition called Rajas or Surya while in Buddhism known as Red Bodhicitta or Candali in India . Sanskrit Tibetan called as gTumo which means "woman with explosive anger and barely controllable."

gTumo and Kundalini is separated energy even though they remain in regarding manner. In digest manner, gTumo shall be incorporated with Kundalini in practice and involves incorporation method as in Kundalini and gTumo Stir.

The Practitioners dividing gTumo in 3 different manners as follow:

1. gTumo Exoteric
Mastering exoteric gTumo is mostly beneficial in terms physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing. Applying exoteric gTumo is very simple since it does not require any concentration matter as the healing process will occur simultaneously in holistic manner. There are 16 (sixteen) symbols of energy in practice (in Level 2 upwards) which require visualization or depiction in supporting the healing process.

2. gTumo Isoteric
Isoteric gTumo in intermediate level (second level upwards) applies 16 energy patterns (non-symbols) and instead for healing process concentrated, it is effective in non-healing process as well such as spiritual consciousness encouragement, materialization and so forth. Practicing isoteric gTumo would enable the person to survive in extremely cold weather even without any clothes attached like in Lachi Kang, near Everest peak at Himalaya .

3. gTumo Mystic
Mystic gTumo uses distinctive spell-cast in practice for all occasions within its main purpose to enhance spiritual conscious comprehension. Practicing mystic gTumo will bringing up tremendous soul satisfaction.
Generally, gTumo consists of 4 grades or levels, as in:

1. First Level
Student should be attuned with gTumo energy that his or her energy channels will be disclosed (at sushumna, ida, pinggala and other nadis as well), gTumo energy enters Below Dan Tien Respa which is the initial force of Respa. In first level, students are taught with self-healing and others both in short and long distances without using symbols or energy patterns so called basic distance learning. A Respa shall deliver gTumo energy to other(s) by laying both palms on the back of neck (medulla oblongata). Healing process in gTumo does not require concentration, breathing manner and medication as well. Rest assures gTumo flows through the mind while thinking beyond healing process.

2. Second Level
At this level, a gTumo practitioner will be empowered with 108 times folds energy through Mid Dan Tien activation. Disclosing new paths of energy and cleansing body components is procured simultaneously as in Chakras, nadis, aura and so forth. High Respa is given the authority of symbol utilization and/or energy paths for all occasions. There are 4 symbols and/or main energy paths within 9 symbols and/or additional energy.

3. Third Level
gTumo practitioner is empowered with 1000 times fold of energy during the current level by activating Below, Mid and Above Dan Tien as well as some techniques for energy strengthening.

4. Fourth Level
At this level, gTumo practitioner has been well-advanced in practicing gTumo in daily lives while this Vajra empowered with 10,000 times fold of energy. A Vajra Master gTumo or VMG in short has been vested with authorization of bestowing gTumo initiation. Upon initiation, below, mid and above Dan Tien have been completely utilized and combined encouraging others gTumo energy.Practicing gTumo does not require concentration, breathing manner as well as medication. gTumo will flow in time when our mind thinking beyond the healing process. Gtumo is applicable after attunement and initiation both in person and in distance. gTumo attunement is procured by gTumo practitioners in level 4 called Vajra Master in 10 minutes for each level and new practitioner instantly applies gTumo for self-needs and others through palms. Generally, self application is proceed by laying palms on both thighs or either way left palm onto belly button towards two fingers below called Tantien and right palm in mid chest known as Heart Chakra while for other people proceed with laying a palm his or her shoulder.

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