Vajra Tummo Reiki

Vajra Tummo Reiki or VTR is a variation of Reiki Healing whose roots come from the esoteris ancient Tibetans systems

Vajra means ‘Thunder’
The word represents the energy from knowledge which has brightness

gTummo or Tummo means Holy fire
Mostly, this gTummo or Tummo also known as Kundalini

Reiki means universal life force energy
The word represents the universal life force accessed to assist healing

Vajra in VTR is different from Vajra in gTummo because the meaning of these two words are very different. In gTummo, vajra is the highest level in gTummo. While in VTR, Vajra means we have accessed Vajra gTummo energy.

Technically, Vajra gTummo energy consists of gTummo energy with Vajra energy. Both of these energies can be activated / used together or separately

To access the VTR energy, you can perform any combination of Vajra energy, Tummo energy or Reiki energy. For example you can access the Vajra energy only, the Tummo energy only or Reiki energy only. Alternatively, you can use a combination of Vajra energy and Tummo energy, Vajra energy and Reiki energy, or Tummo energy and Reiki energy. Even all there energies can be accessed together.

Vajra Tummo Reiki levels :

Level 1 : Practitioners will obtain Vajra Attunement.
Level 2 : Practitioners will obtain Vajra attunement, attunement of VTR symbols, Initiation of Kundalini which will open up the coil of Kundalini and arise the fire up to the navel chakra.
Level 3 : The practitioners will obtain Vajra attunement, attunement of VTR symbols, Initiation of Kundalini which will arise the fire of Kundalini of practitioners up to Heart Chakra.
Level 4 (Master) : The practitioners will obtain Vajra Attunement, attunement of VTR symbols, Initiation of Kundalini which will arise the fire of Kundalini burst out from the Crown Chakra, and the entitlement of the spiritual right as VTR Master.

Indigo Light Empowerment

This system is more of a personal growth system, than a healing system. It raises your vibration, and allows you to develop your psychic abilities and will also help you to learn to communicate with others, animals, and the nature Spirit’s through empathy and intuition at a faster pace by connecting you to the higher realms. As such, it also works to help raise the vibration of Earth and Humanity, which in turn, speeds our evolution to higher dimensional thinking.

The Indigo Light Empowerment energy works with the third eye chakra and psychic centers. It enhances psychic abilities through empathy and love. This system will provide a calming effect on Indigo Children and Indigo Adults.

The color blue-violet or indigo activates this energy.

This system is also perfect when working with animal’s since it help you to connect with the animal in a telepathic manner and through empathy.

Your intuition is heightened when you envision the Indigo Lightburst glowing brightly within your third eye.

When working with Indigo Children, you will be able to feel/sense the child’s energies as your energy flows through the child. This also applies when working with animals and Indigo Adults.
As your energy moves through the one being healed, your psychic intuition and sense of empathy picks up on whatever is causing the trouble, and the energies of the Indigo Light Empowerment calms the one you are healing.

When working with Indigo Adults, or yourself, you will find that you (or the other person) will be calmer, you will be able to better express yourself, find it easier to understand others, and your own personal growth will expand. Indigo Adults are those of us who have begun raising your vibrations to meet the needs of others and the evolution of humankind on this planet. We are evolving emotionally and spiritually, and more people are opening up to use their natural psychic abilities. We are growing, evolving, changing, and often we may feel misunderstood and separate
from others.

When working with the energies of the Indigo Light Empowerment, you will begin to understand your life’s path, to know things intuitively, to empathize, with not only others, but also animals, plants, and the Earth it self. Your intuition enhances, your third eye opens, and you will be better able to understand the messages you receive. Whether these messages come to you through visions, images, music, other people, animals, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance, you will also feel more connected to Spirit, all Beings, and Mother Earth.

In working with animals, you will find that you instinctively know what the animal is saying—you may hear it in words, feel it within your own body, or simply just know it without really knowing how you know. Animals cannot communicate with humans by just telling us—they can’t talk to us in our language. Therefore, animals need you to empathize with them in order to communicate with you. It is a sort of telepathic communication, where you may hear what they are saying within your mind, see it in pictures, or feel what they are feeling.

You will be able to feel energy blocks within any animal you work with, and can use either Usui Reiki or Kundalini Reiki to send healing to them. The energies of the Indigo Light Empowerment will calm them and soothe them. Often they will understand what you are saying to them as well. Animals teach us uncondional love, loyalty, forgiveness, service to others, compassion, and respect for other Beings and the Earth.

The purpose for the Indigo Light Empowerment to be brought forth at this time to help raise the vibration of humankind and the Earth.

The Indigo Light Empowerment works to help you understand how to better help these gifted and special children through empathy and love. Often, Indigo children and Adults as well as the crystal children are labeled as being strange, odd, or different. They don’t seem to fit in with the norm that society has set for them. They often are very creative and view the world differently than others. If you feel you are one of these people, or know someone who is, the energies of the Indigo Light Empowerment will help you understand yourself, and others. It has a calming, soothing effect on everyone who uses this energy. Yet, by enhancing your psychic abilities and energizing your psychic centers, you will find that you become even more creative. You will be inspired to reach beyond the limits society sets for you.

Animals and the Earth benefit through a better understanding on the part of humanity. Being able to feel or sense what is troubling animals, be it illness or emotional stress, will allow you to help your pets and other animals. Sometimes they have had emotional and/or physical traumas that bring on behavioral problems.

Using the Indigo energies of the Indigo Light Empowerment will help you communicate with animals, feel physical energy blocks, and through empathy and love you will be able to help animals with behavioral problems calm down and learn what is expected of them. Often, they are trying to communicate with us, but not only do we not understand what they are trying to tell us—but they don’t understand what we are trying to tell them either. Animals do not know human language—they may pick up a word here or there and learn what it means, but generally they cannot just know what we are saying to t hem. They hear the sound of our voice, but the words do not have meaning to them. The Indigo Light Empowerment will help you to understand and better communicate with animals.

You will also find that you are more sensitive to Nature, and may be able to communicate with plants, wild animals and Nature spirit’s.

The energies of this system attune’s you to listening without preset ideas on what is or is not possible. The more you work with the energies of the Indigo Light Empowerment, the more you will be able to “hear” what other “Beings” are telling you. This may come to you in any form of communication—hearing, vision, or just knowing intuitively. It is as if you “become” the other Being for a few moment’s, through empathy and you understand them—and they understand you. It is unconditional love that bonds you.

This system can be used distantly or hands on. During your attunement, an Indigo Lightburst will be placed etherically into your third eye and the palms of your hands. The reason for this is because the energies come in through your third eye and your hands, and are sent out to others the same way. You may feel compassion and love, as Quan Yin will be working within your heart. I must mention here, that as you use these energies, you do not attune the patient or client to the energies (except in passing on the attunement for others to learn, use, and teach), you simply send healing energies and flow with them as they move through the energies of your
patient or client. This allows you to feel the energies and any blockages. It also allows you to pick up what the patient or client are feeling physically, emotionally, and at times their thoughts as well.

Kundalini Reiki & Gold Reiki

Reiki means “Universal life energy”. You can have access to Reiki via “attunement”. During reiki attunement, different energy centres (Chakras) and energy channels are opened/strengthened. This way you can have access to this energy and channel it through your hands. You can then “switch on” the energy, just by intention. Reiki can also be used on animals, plants, water etc. Furthermore, it is possible to accelerate your personal development process drastically by opening the Kundalini.

This is possibly the simplest form of healing and self-development system that exists!

By opening and strengthening the energy channels of the body, it is possible to channel healing Reiki energy to yourself and others, just by intention.

Kundalini Reiki 1 :

The first attunement opens the healing channels to allow channelling of Reiki energy. At the same time you are prepared for the Kundalini awakening in Kundalini Reiki 2. The Crown, Heart and hand chakras are opened/strengthened. You are taught to perform a complete healing treatment and to heal remotely from a distance.

Kundalini Reiki 2 :

The Reiki channels are strengthened. The Kundalini awakening, where the main energy channel opens gently and surely, alighting the Kundalini “fire”, reaches the minimum Solar Plexus chakra, preparing for the full Kundalini rising in Kundalini Reiki 3. You are also taught a specific meditation. When you perform this meditation, you increase for a short time, the power of the flame in the Kundalini fire/energy. In this way, all the chakras/energy systems are enlightened and a cleansing takes place.

Kundalini Reiki 3 (Kundalini Reiki Master):

The previous attunements are strengthened and the Throat, Solar Plexus, Hara and Root Chakras are opened. The Kundalini “fire” is strengthened and reaches up and out of the Crown chakra - full rising of the Kundalini takes place. You are taught to attune Crystals and other objects, so that they act as Reiki channels. Extra included attunements: 1 - Balance, 2 - Diamond Reiki, 3 - Crystalline Reiki, 4 - DNA Reiki, 5 - Birth trauma Reiki, 6 - Location Reiki, 7 - Past Life Reiki. You are also taught to pass on Kundalini Reiki 1-2-3.

Kundalini Reiki Booster 1-2-3 (Or Kundalini Reiki 4-5-6) :

Prerequisite: Kundalini Reiki 1-2-3

Each of these attunements strengthens the previously received attunements:

Kundalini Reiki 1-2-3. With each step all chakras, the main energy channel and the channels to the hands are widened and strengthened. After Kundalini Reiki Booster 3, your power to channel Reiki will have been increased approx. 100 percent! You will also be able to pass on the Kundalini Reiki Booster 1-2-3 Attunements.

Kundalini Reiki Booster 4-5-6 (Or Kundalini Reiki 7-8-9) :
Each of these attunements strengthens the previously received attunements:
Kundalini Reiki 1-6. With each step all chakras, the main energy channel and the channels to the hands are widened and strengthened. After Kundalini Reiki Booster 6, your power to channel Reiki will have been increased approx. 300 percent! You will also be able to pass on the Kundalini Reiki Booster 4-5-6 Attunements.


Gold Reiki 1 Attunement
Prerequisite: Kundalini Reiki 1-2-3. Transmutes fear and darkness into light and joy! Golden Light is the strongest light of transformation in the physical universe! Here are some simple instructions for how to heal a person:This uses the same format as the Kundalini Reiki but instead of thinking to yourself “Kundalini Reiki” think “Gold Reiki”

Here are the instructions for remote, long distance and self healing:
This uses the same format as the Kundalini Reiki but instead of thinking to yourself “Kundalini Reiki” think “Gold Reiki”

Gold Reiki 2 & 3 Attunements Both levels 2 and 3 increase and fortify the 1 attunement, this also raises your vibration levels since this is light energy rather than earth energy, after you have received the third attunement you can pass on the Gold Reiki attunements to others.

Karuna Ki

Karuna Ki is a generic name that refers to a growing number of practices using the Reiki energy with the Karuna symbols. This art was developed from practices with Karuna and the Karuna Symbols. It could be said that any Reiki is Karuna in that in doing Reiki we are trying to alleviate the suffering of all sentient beings. Karuna Ki is a focus way of practicing this. Karuna Ki is the Way of Compassionate Energy and a Healing and Meditative practice using the Karuna Ki energy and symbols to be the Divine Heart of Compassion.
Karuna Ki means Compassionate energy or as it is more appropriately "The Way of Compassionate Energy". It is healing and spreading the Compassion of the Creator to all, and all creation. It is "being" the compassion of God, as St. Paul calls us to be, or as Kuan Yin personifies. Karuna Ki is a heart centered healing. It is a loving, heart centered compassionate healing art. It works best with the focus on the loving compassion of all creation flowing through you. "Compassionate Heart Reiki" is the term I use to best describe it.
* Similarities and differences to other Karuna Arts and System
* The meaning of Karuna Ki
* History of Karuna Ki System
* 4 symbols and how use them (interdimensional access, connect to the loving compassionate energy of the divine source, restore balance, bring deep healing, dissolve negative pattern in the unconscious mind, break delusion and denial, restores our love of life and for the things we do, clears lower chakras energy, empowers material goals )
* Scanning
* Treatments and Healing using the symbols
*4 symbols and how use them, (brings higher consciousness into the physical body, increases awareness, develop the oneness with compassion of god, transforms thoughts into action, balances the four elements, heal the past, help you live harmoniously, releases nightmares)
* Treatments and Healing using the symbols
* Meditations (developing the energy channel, connect to the loving compassionate heart of the Universe, with symbols, toning meditation)
* Karuna Ki Scanning method
* Chanting and Toning with Karuna Ki
* 5 symbols and how use them (pulls negative energy and disease out of body, heals the soul, brings spiritual growth, cleanses and heals the spiritual body, opens and connects all chakras, seals the energy, brings light, purifies, protects and connects with god, helps to lift negative karma )
* Karuna Ki mudras (for develop the intuition, the premonition of danger, inner knowing, healing of self and Others)
* Breath of the Fire Dragon
* Distant Scanning
* How to give the complete Karuna Ki singular Attunement
* How to give Karuna Ki Three Level Attunement
* Meditation for opening the third eye

Sexual Empowerment

It is a well know fact that many of to days problems with couples are with problems dealing with their sex life. I have talked with Doctors and others that deal with these problems every day and we have talked much about the problems of our modern times.

Over the past year I have felt led to work with the Reiki energy to help with this problem. Regular Usui Reiki does help but, I felt there was need for more of a special attention to just this part of healing. So over the past year I have been led to and received an energy that is very close to Reiki but is a different band or vibration of it for just this purpose.

Many will not want to work with this energy because, there is, a hang up of people dealing with their problems dealing with sex and related problems. There is also the problem that with these systems there is at least one hand placement that is very close to the sex organ of the person receiving the treatment. But that can be done with some inches distance without problems. I feel this is a very important form of energy and one that will come into large use as Many will not want to work with this energy because, there is, a hang up of people dealing with their problems dealing with sex and related problems. There is also the problem that with these systems there is at least one hand placement that is very close to the sex organ of the person receiving the treatment. But that can be done with some inches distance without problems. I feel this is a very important form of energy and one that will come into large use as people become more use to its practice.

Sexual Empowerment energy

A little about this energy it is a fire type of Reiki or energy in that in come from the earth rather than from above like Reiki in place of entering from the crown it enters the healer from the earth passes from the bottom chakra and travels up and out the hands as does Usui Reiki. Thus it is involved with the Kundalini.

Working with this energy one will find it is a warm loving energy with a lot of passion in it. It is not uncommon for the healer and the one being healed to become aroused, this is nothing to worry about and does not happen all the time, when it does happen from time to time it is nothing to worry about and should not even be mentioned to either party. If ask about that part of it then by all means give a reason for it.

The first thing is to use this energy on ones self if you are having any problems, when try and help anyone else if you don’t heal your self first, this will also give one more confidence to see that it is working. Now some of the time I will refer to Usui I assume that you have been attuned to regular Reiki or at least can read or get a Usui manual. So if I mention a symbol and you don’t see it then it will mean it is a Usui symbol and I will state this.

To begin a healing of any type use the Chokurei as you would with regular Reiki, This symbol should be either in the palm of the hands or drawn on paper and held if you don’t want ink on your hands

Orb of Life

The orb of life is an etheric ball – approximately on the size of a soccer ball. It consist of very concentrated, high frequency life force. This orb act as an antenna to life force and keep on producing it The orb of life produces a much finer life force, , than the regular ki (ch’i) generators on the market.

What can it do ?

· Provide you with high frequency life force energy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
· Charge water and other item
· Automatically protect you from negative energies, electromagnetic frequencies and physic
· Help you to clear blocks
· Help you in healing session – both distance and hands on

Good Fortune Prosperity Empowerment (GFPE)

In Level 1 you will receive an attunement that clears negativity from DNA, Karma, Chakras, and your Aura that effects your Prosperity, Abundance, and Good Fortune. We often are not even aware of these negative thought forms that are created within us as we move through our lives, and in many instances we have carried them over into this life from past lives. These need to be released and cleared so that we may receive the gifts of the Universe. You will learn meditations that will help you to continue to clear the negative energies that build up and cling to your energy patterns and block your ability to receive Prosperity and Good Fortune. These meditations will help you to prevent the negative energies from creeping back in and causing the old blocks to return or causing new blocks to your energies that may effect your cash flow and good luck.

In Level 2 you will receive an attunement which will heal the holes left behind by the clearing process. This attunement will fill the empty spaces and help rebuild your energies to repair the damage of negative thought forms and negative energies that have caused your natural energies to weakened. By healing your DNA, Chakras, Aura, and Karma, you can begin to function in a healthier and more stable way. This will strengthen your energies and bring more vitality. You will learn meditations that will help you keep your energies healthy and positive.

In Level 3 you will receive an attunement that draws positive Prosperity and Good Fortune to you. You will learn meditations for attracting Prosperity and Good Fortune and you will be given exercises you can do on your own to draw in more wealth and good luck. Throughout the manual you will learn which Universal Laws apply to being Prosperous and having Good Fortune, and how to use them to influence the positive energies so that you can live a happy and prosperous life. During this master level of Good Fortune Prosperity, your DNA will be reprogrammed to eliminate negative thought forms of lack and limitation, and replace these with positive thought forms of positive Prosperity and Good Fortune. Your chakras will spin faster, and be brighter. Your aura will glow with health and beauty and you will begin to attract more positive things, people, and situations. Your negative karma will be transformed so that you will be open to receive all of the gifts of Spirit.

It is suggested that you receive all three levels at once, in one attunement, each level following immediately after the other. The reason for this is that as you clear and remove the blocks and negative energies, an emptiness or hole is left behind. By receiving all three levels at once, hole is immediately filled with healing energies and not left open vulnerable to unwanted things to enter. The healing energies fill the space and begin to heal wounds, emotional pain, and traumas that may have been caused by the negativity that had been attached. Immediately following this, the third level brings in the positive energies to draw good fortune and prosperity to you immediately. Think of it as if the negative energies and thought forms that are blocking your prosperity and good fortune are an infection that is slowly eating away at you. The first level removes this infection, the second level applies healing like an antibiotic would, and third level fills in the wound with new growth that renews and revitalizes You will not experience the kind of detox that usually occurs with clearing. Though issues may arise that are connected to the negative energies, you simply acknowledge them, and release them in a gentle way without the emotional suffering. This is done in a gentle loving way and the energies this attunement will then begin to heal the issue, followed by the joy and happiness and universal love that draws good fortune and prosperity to you.

There are no prerequisites. Anyone can receive the attunements to Prosperity and Good Fortune Reiki. All symbols will be those that you can visualize yourself and that have meaning to you. If you are open to the idea that everyone is meant to have all they need and desire as long as it is for visualize yourself and that have meaning to you. If you are open to the idea that everyone is meant to have all they need and desire as long as it is for Fortune Reiki course.

Harmony Empowerment

In order to achieve anything in this life, you must be in harmony. If you are not in harmony, then you are in a state of chaos. If you want to be truly happy and fulfilled, you must be in harmony in all areas of your life. The Universal Laws that apply to achieving Harmony in your life are The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy, The Law of Oneness, and the Law of Vibration. There are more Universal Laws and all of them are important, but it is impossible to list and explain them all in this manual. Therefore we will focus on the Universal Laws that will be most helpful in attaining Harmony.

If you take a close look at your life, you will most likely find that you are doing very well in some areas of your life, but have chaos and stress in other areas. This attunement connects you to the energies that will bring harmony into your life in all areas. You will learn how to apply the Universal Laws to achieve a state of Harmony, how to work with Archangel Chamuel and Ascended Master St. Germain to help change your life for the highest good, and how to clear out negativity from your chakras, your aura, and your environment so that your energies are in balance. This allows your higher bodies and your physical body to align in harmony so that you can begin to be fulfilled in all areas of your life—love, abundance, health, and more.

The Harmony Empowerment Attunement is 3 attunements that connects you to the higher energies of Harmony, Archangel Chamuel, and St. Germain, however it is passed in ONE big attunement and each of these will come in to you automatically, one right after the other. The energies are very calming, soothing, and filled with love and light. There are no negative side effects that are normally associated with clearing. Instead, you will most likely feel very energized and full of joy and Universal love. The reason for this is, that clearing does not have to have negative side effects of pain and suffering. The energies of this attunement comes from Spirit, as do all attunements, but Archangel Chamuel and Ascended Master St. Germain have filled this attunement with love and harmony with the intention that any releasing be joyous. Anything negative in your chakras, aura, and environment are released with Love and Harmony, which transmutes negative energies. This will leave you feeling lighter, as if a weight has been lifted from your shoulders, peaceful, and happier.

Fortuna luck Ray

Being the Roman Goddess of fortune, fate, blessings, luck and fertility. The Fortuna Luck Ray will be beneficial to anyone wishing to turn herself into “Lady Luck.” Call upon the Fortuna Luck Ray when you need to be really lucky.

Certain lucky people of her choice she bestowed large fortunes. However, on those that had fallen from her grace she bestowed poverty. Receiving the Fortuna Luck Ray will make sure that
she brings only good fortune and luck to your life.

The above picture of Fortuna on a Roman coin will bring you great fortune and luck when meditated upon. It is not necessary to view the coin while calling upon her energy, but this coin holds much of her symbolism and luck energy.

Astral Star

Astral Star - the energy removing blocking from a light body, lighting internal light and coming into internal contact with the astral world

As is known, the human body consists other bodies, one of which is the astral body, or a spiritual environment as many name it. During a dream this body is separated from our physical body which are being a full relaxation, and travels on the astral world. We are able to see a dreams.

When our physical body is not weakened, on what that to the certain reasons, communication with an astral body even during a dream is considerably insignificant, and in this case the person does not see dreams, time of its dream passes without what or remembered details.

We are closely connected with all events which occur to us during day. At times these events influence our sincere condition much more than we realize it. At times the stresses which have been gone through during day, or even surplus of positive emotions, deduce our organism from balance and it also can influence communication with an astral body.

Energy of the Astral Star is characterized by white light, light of clarification and transformation.

Light of peace and love.

Open for itself the world of harmony and a relaxation by means of this energy.

Course includes 4 initiations, with interval 48 hours between each one. 4-th initiation will be The Master Teacher degree, and you will be able to teach others.

Prerequisite : Kundaini Reiki 3

gTummo Tibetan / gTummo Maoshan

gTumo means "sacred fire (Tejas) consists of isoteric, exoteric and mystic originated from Lhamas in Tibet . Ever since and up to the late twentieth century, gTumo is highly classified lesson and strictly kept from beyond circumference of Lhamas in Tibet .

gTumo come from Tibetan meaning Miraculous Energi Fire. Some teacher of gTumo say that this technique represent adoption of fire blow technique, the powerful self-defence science. In the hand of all teacher later, the technique turn into more useful gTumo .

gTumo goes along with Kundalini in regards to Heat Energy of which Nath tradition called Rajas or Surya while in Buddhism known as Red Bodhicitta or Candali in India . Sanskrit Tibetan called as gTumo which means "woman with explosive anger and barely controllable."

gTumo and Kundalini is separated energy even though they remain in regarding manner. In digest manner, gTumo shall be incorporated with Kundalini in practice and involves incorporation method as in Kundalini and gTumo Stir.

The Practitioners dividing gTumo in 3 different manners as follow:

1. gTumo Exoteric
Mastering exoteric gTumo is mostly beneficial in terms physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing. Applying exoteric gTumo is very simple since it does not require any concentration matter as the healing process will occur simultaneously in holistic manner. There are 16 (sixteen) symbols of energy in practice (in Level 2 upwards) which require visualization or depiction in supporting the healing process.

2. gTumo Isoteric
Isoteric gTumo in intermediate level (second level upwards) applies 16 energy patterns (non-symbols) and instead for healing process concentrated, it is effective in non-healing process as well such as spiritual consciousness encouragement, materialization and so forth. Practicing isoteric gTumo would enable the person to survive in extremely cold weather even without any clothes attached like in Lachi Kang, near Everest peak at Himalaya .

3. gTumo Mystic
Mystic gTumo uses distinctive spell-cast in practice for all occasions within its main purpose to enhance spiritual conscious comprehension. Practicing mystic gTumo will bringing up tremendous soul satisfaction.
Generally, gTumo consists of 4 grades or levels, as in:

1. First Level
Student should be attuned with gTumo energy that his or her energy channels will be disclosed (at sushumna, ida, pinggala and other nadis as well), gTumo energy enters Below Dan Tien Respa which is the initial force of Respa. In first level, students are taught with self-healing and others both in short and long distances without using symbols or energy patterns so called basic distance learning. A Respa shall deliver gTumo energy to other(s) by laying both palms on the back of neck (medulla oblongata). Healing process in gTumo does not require concentration, breathing manner and medication as well. Rest assures gTumo flows through the mind while thinking beyond healing process.

2. Second Level
At this level, a gTumo practitioner will be empowered with 108 times folds energy through Mid Dan Tien activation. Disclosing new paths of energy and cleansing body components is procured simultaneously as in Chakras, nadis, aura and so forth. High Respa is given the authority of symbol utilization and/or energy paths for all occasions. There are 4 symbols and/or main energy paths within 9 symbols and/or additional energy.

3. Third Level
gTumo practitioner is empowered with 1000 times fold of energy during the current level by activating Below, Mid and Above Dan Tien as well as some techniques for energy strengthening.

4. Fourth Level
At this level, gTumo practitioner has been well-advanced in practicing gTumo in daily lives while this Vajra empowered with 10,000 times fold of energy. A Vajra Master gTumo or VMG in short has been vested with authorization of bestowing gTumo initiation. Upon initiation, below, mid and above Dan Tien have been completely utilized and combined encouraging others gTumo energy.Practicing gTumo does not require concentration, breathing manner as well as medication. gTumo will flow in time when our mind thinking beyond the healing process. Gtumo is applicable after attunement and initiation both in person and in distance. gTumo attunement is procured by gTumo practitioners in level 4 called Vajra Master in 10 minutes for each level and new practitioner instantly applies gTumo for self-needs and others through palms. Generally, self application is proceed by laying palms on both thighs or either way left palm onto belly button towards two fingers below called Tantien and right palm in mid chest known as Heart Chakra while for other people proceed with laying a palm his or her shoulder.

gTummo Inti Api Hidup

INTI API HIDUP is inner fire a cosmic heat energy from astral body that increases spiritual achievem ent of a human being. INTI API HIDUP also functions to cure various types of physical and psychical diseases. Application of INTI API HIDUP to heal is not followed by concentration, breathing technics and medicines. It can be said that INTI API HIDUP flows when we think of other things beyond healing effort. Application of INTI API HIDUP for first level practitioner is done by palm-hand touch, while for second level, master level and full master level practitioners is done by palm-hand touch and using energy patterns enabling distance healing to one or more patients collectively.

INTI API HIDUP can be applied by everyone after get the ankur of INTI API HIDUP. The INTI API HIDUP can be attuned by full master level practitioner in 10 m inutes for each grade and instantly the new practitioner can apply INTI API HIDUP to him/her self and others by only touching palm of hand. Application to your self is done by palm hand touch on both thighs generally, while for others are done by touching palm of hand on the patient's shoulder.


INTI API HIDUP is divided into four grades : Level 1, Level 2, Level Personal Master, Level Full Master. Through the ankur, one instantly masters the Level 1 INTI API HIDUP. And so are with the Level 2 INTI API HIDUP, Personal Master Grade, and the Full Master Grade, step by step can be reached instantly, even in one angkur can be reached the full master Grade! Generally can be said that the higher grade that owned by someone, is the higher INTI API HIDUP that he can distribute or channel to others. At the Level 2 of INTI API HIDUP, someone already use the energy pattern that facilitate and accelerate the healing process.

At Level 1 INTI API HIDUP can apply INTI API HIDUP for many purposes by touching the object with his palm of hand. The INTI API HIDUP distribution done by only think 'I distribute the INTI API HIDUP energy' at a time before put his hand on the object. When distributing the INTI API HIDUP, must not think about the INTI API HIDUP distribution but he must think about another things outside the INTI API HIDUP distribution, and it would be much better if he doing such meditation while distributing the INTI API HIDUP. In the application of INTI API HIDUP to heal someone, palm of hands touch the shoulder of the patient with his both thumbs touch the Medulla oblongata which is the top of spinal column and as the entrance of INTI API HIDUP to the patient's whole body. INTI API HIDUP distribution in order to heal someone would take place for 20 to 30 minutes. For the best healing process, INTI API HIDUP distribution repeated at least three days after the last distribution.

At Level 2 INTI API HIDUP can apply the INTI API HIDUP for many purposes by touching his hands to the object or by using such energy pattern in INTI API HIDUP. In a direct application of INTI API HIDUP in a patient's body, put his hands on patient's shoulder with his both thumbs touch the Medulla oblongata. INTI API HIDUP distribution, which is done by Level 2 INTI API HIDUP, would take 10 to 15 minutes of times. In the application of INTI API HIDUP for long distance healing, Level 2 INTI API HIDUP can use energy pattern in INTI API HIDUP.

3. Level Personal Master / Master
A Master can apply INTI API HIDUP for many purposes by touching his hands to an object or by using energy pattern in INTI API HIDUP. In a direct application of INTI API HIDUP in a patient's body, a Master put his hands on patient's shoulder and with his both thumbs on the m edulla oblongata. INTI API HIDUP distribution, which is done by a Master, takes 10 to 15 minutes. The differences between INTI API HIDUP of Level 2 and the Master Level INTI API HIDUP are the quantity and quality of energy that is distributed into the patient's body. At the Master Level, the INTI API HIDUP energy distributed is much higher and softer compared to the Level 2 INTI API HIDUP, it means that the whole process of healing happen in much shorter time.

4. Level Full Master / Master Teacher
A Full Master can apply INTI API HIDUP for many purposes by touching his hands to an object or by using such energy pattern in INTI API HIDUP. In a direct application of INTI API HIDUP in a patient's body, a Full Master put his hands on patient's shoulder and with his both thumbs on the medulla oblongata. INTI API HIDUP distribution by a Full Master takes 10 to 15 minutes. The differences between Full Master Level and the Master Level are the quantity and quality of energy that is distributed into the patient's body. At the Full Master Grade, the INTI API HIDUP energy distributed is much higher and softer compared to the Master Level INTI API HIDUP so that the whole of healing process happen in much shorter time.

At the Full Master Level, someone can give angkur to other people. In Full Master INTI API HIDUP, there is a unique special character, that is, the INTI API HIDUP will automatically flow to someone who needs to be healed - even though this person doesn't meet the Full Master directly - only by saying the name of the Full Master for a few times in mind!
* Open and activate 3 source of Gtumo energi, namely Tantien Under, Middle and Top at level Core of Tumo.
* Opening and activating all cakra both minor and also major in body
* Open and activate third band of energi in body of back and also front
* Awaken and activate Kundalini come up with crown cakra which continue to expand.
* Forming protector around body for all negative energi like black magic, gendam, hypnotic, philtra, palette and others.
* Improving health of physical body, spiritial body and aura
* mprove real awareness in human being relation and God
* Can heal others and also ownself of metaphysics and also physical disease
* Clean body aura at all of coat and improve strength of aura
* Can deliver energi long distancely for healing
* To clean all negative energi like emotion ( angry, hateful, grudge, covet and others)
* Improve Sirkulation of prana energi in body either from food, beverage, air, natural and others
* Push to reach awareness of soul and do a kindness to life being humanity
* Can deliver energi love universal to entire all being live and universe
* and others
Using Gtumo Inti Api Hidup is very easy, enough with just intention, do not need symbol, supertitous formula or any. Can heal disease either through direct and also long distance. This science have the character of forever, will not lose.

Aphodite Shining Star

Aphodite Shining Star

In Greek mythology, Aphrodite is the goddess of love, beauty and sexual rapture. Love and
beauty are ideas essentially connected, and Aphrodite was therefore also the goddess of
beauty and gracefulness. In these points she surpassed all other goddesses, and she
received the prize of beauty from Paris; she had further the power of granting beauty and
invincible charms to others.
It is said Aphrodite could make any m an fall in love with her by them just laying eyes on

Aphrodite was associated with, and often depicted with the sea, dolphins, doves, swans,
pomegranates, apples, myrtle, rose and lime trees, clams, scallop shells, and pearls, but the
swine was prohibited.

The energy of Aphrodite, help you in several ways:
* Rejuvenate
* Increase the physical and inner beauty
* Become more Attractive
* Increase your self - exteem
* Increase your sex - appeal
* Attracting the attention of others easily
* Shining in the middle of a crowd

Colours of Angels

Colours of Angels

Colours of Angels offers 7 connections with 7 Archangels and their respective Rays. These 7 connections are offered in one distance initiation that will connect you to each Archangel and you will then be able to call upon any or all of these Archangels whenever you wish. Angels never leave or ignore you and will listen to you whatever the time of day or night.

As you are connected to each Archangel you will also be connected to each Ray that the Archangel serves from and it's respective colour. By simply visualising the colour of each Archangel that you have been connected to you will feel the connection strengthen. This is ideal for those who have difficulty visualising images as the simple task of visualising the colour is all that is required.

The Seven Archangels and Rays are as follows:

Archangel Michael who serves in the First Ray which is the Blue Ray and the Ray of Protection and Power.

Archangel Jophiel who serves on the Second or Yellow Ray which is the Ray of Illumination and Wisdom.

Archangel Chamuel who serves on the Third or Pink Ray which is the Ray of Love.

Archangel Gabriel who serves on the Fourth or White Ray which is the Ray of Harmony and Purity.

Archangel Raphael who serves on the Fifth Ray or Green Ray which is the Ray of Healing and Truth.

Archangel Uriel who serves on the Sixth Ray or Gold Ray which is the Ray of Peace.

Archangel Zadkiel who serves on the Seventh Ray or Violet Ray which is the Ray of Freedom.

Each connection is received one after the other in one distance initiation which will permanently connect you to each Archangel and Ray.