INTI API HIDUP is inner fire a cosmic heat energy from astral body that increases spiritual achievem ent of a human being. INTI API HIDUP also functions to cure various types of physical and psychical diseases. Application of INTI API HIDUP to heal is not followed by concentration, breathing technics and medicines. It can be said that INTI API HIDUP flows when we think of other things beyond healing effort. Application of INTI API HIDUP for first level practitioner is done by palm-hand touch, while for second level, master level and full master level practitioners is done by palm-hand touch and using energy patterns enabling distance healing to one or more patients collectively.
INTI API HIDUP can be applied by everyone after get the ankur of INTI API HIDUP. The INTI API HIDUP can be attuned by full master level practitioner in 10 m inutes for each grade and instantly the new practitioner can apply INTI API HIDUP to him/her self and others by only touching palm of hand. Application to your self is done by palm hand touch on both thighs generally, while for others are done by touching palm of hand on the patient's shoulder.
INTI API HIDUP is divided into four grades : Level 1, Level 2, Level Personal Master, Level Full Master. Through the ankur, one instantly masters the Level 1 INTI API HIDUP. And so are with the Level 2 INTI API HIDUP, Personal Master Grade, and the Full Master Grade, step by step can be reached instantly, even in one angkur can be reached the full master Grade! Generally can be said that the higher grade that owned by someone, is the higher INTI API HIDUP that he can distribute or channel to others. At the Level 2 of INTI API HIDUP, someone already use the energy pattern that facilitate and accelerate the healing process.
At Level 1 INTI API HIDUP can apply INTI API HIDUP for many purposes by touching the object with his palm of hand. The INTI API HIDUP distribution done by only think 'I distribute the INTI API HIDUP energy' at a time before put his hand on the object. When distributing the INTI API HIDUP, must not think about the INTI API HIDUP distribution but he must think about another things outside the INTI API HIDUP distribution, and it would be much better if he doing such meditation while distributing the INTI API HIDUP. In the application of INTI API HIDUP to heal someone, palm of hands touch the shoulder of the patient with his both thumbs touch the Medulla oblongata which is the top of spinal column and as the entrance of INTI API HIDUP to the patient's whole body. INTI API HIDUP distribution in order to heal someone would take place for 20 to 30 minutes. For the best healing process, INTI API HIDUP distribution repeated at least three days after the last distribution.
At Level 2 INTI API HIDUP can apply the INTI API HIDUP for many purposes by touching his hands to the object or by using such energy pattern in INTI API HIDUP. In a direct application of INTI API HIDUP in a patient's body, put his hands on patient's shoulder with his both thumbs touch the Medulla oblongata. INTI API HIDUP distribution, which is done by Level 2 INTI API HIDUP, would take 10 to 15 minutes of times. In the application of INTI API HIDUP for long distance healing, Level 2 INTI API HIDUP can use energy pattern in INTI API HIDUP.
3. Level Personal Master / Master
A Master can apply INTI API HIDUP for many purposes by touching his hands to an object or by using energy pattern in INTI API HIDUP. In a direct application of INTI API HIDUP in a patient's body, a Master put his hands on patient's shoulder and with his both thumbs on the m edulla oblongata. INTI API HIDUP distribution, which is done by a Master, takes 10 to 15 minutes. The differences between INTI API HIDUP of Level 2 and the Master Level INTI API HIDUP are the quantity and quality of energy that is distributed into the patient's body. At the Master Level, the INTI API HIDUP energy distributed is much higher and softer compared to the Level 2 INTI API HIDUP, it means that the whole process of healing happen in much shorter time.
4. Level Full Master / Master Teacher
A Full Master can apply INTI API HIDUP for many purposes by touching his hands to an object or by using such energy pattern in INTI API HIDUP. In a direct application of INTI API HIDUP in a patient's body, a Full Master put his hands on patient's shoulder and with his both thumbs on the medulla oblongata. INTI API HIDUP distribution by a Full Master takes 10 to 15 minutes. The differences between Full Master Level and the Master Level are the quantity and quality of energy that is distributed into the patient's body. At the Full Master Grade, the INTI API HIDUP energy distributed is much higher and softer compared to the Master Level INTI API HIDUP so that the whole of healing process happen in much shorter time.
At the Full Master Level, someone can give angkur to other people. In Full Master INTI API HIDUP, there is a unique special character, that is, the INTI API HIDUP will automatically flow to someone who needs to be healed - even though this person doesn't meet the Full Master directly - only by saying the name of the Full Master for a few times in mind!
* Open and activate 3 source of Gtumo energi, namely Tantien Under, Middle and Top at level Core of Tumo.
* Opening and activating all cakra both minor and also major in body
* Open and activate third band of energi in body of back and also front
* Awaken and activate Kundalini come up with crown cakra which continue to expand.
* Forming protector around body for all negative energi like black magic, gendam, hypnotic, philtra, palette and others.
* Improving health of physical body, spiritial body and aura
* mprove real awareness in human being relation and God
* Can heal others and also ownself of metaphysics and also physical disease
* Clean body aura at all of coat and improve strength of aura
* Can deliver energi long distancely for healing
* To clean all negative energi like emotion ( angry, hateful, grudge, covet and others)
* Improve Sirkulation of prana energi in body either from food, beverage, air, natural and others
* Push to reach awareness of soul and do a kindness to life being humanity
* Can deliver energi love universal to entire all being live and universe
* and others
Using Gtumo Inti Api Hidup is very easy, enough with just intention, do not need symbol, supertitous formula or any. Can heal disease either through direct and also long distance. This science have the character of forever, will not lose.