Shamballa MDH
Shamballa MDH
(Shamballa Multi Dimensional Healing) is a gift from God. It is not
only a system of energy healing, it is a way of accelerating your
spiritual development. It works faster than the well known Reiki- a
standard healing session continues for 20 minutes or so. In ancient
Atlantis a high priest at the Temple of Healing created a healing
system. He is now known as the Ascended Master Germain.
the continent was destroyed, he journeyed with several of his fellow
brothers to ancient Tibet. They tried to continue the practice of
raising spiritual consciousness in this place. In order to see how this
practice would ensure, they gave three sacred symbols to a number of
individuals, who were in close proximity to the Atlantic landing. Many
of them used the symbols and the spiritual evolution that brought as
well. Others, however, used this power in a dark, negative and baneful
way. Germain and his fellows decided at this time not to give the full
twenty- two symbols to any individual, in order to keep the full power
that they thought would corrupt these individual’s minds from their
the Inspirers traveled through India, they gave out a few symbols,
which eventually made their way into Sanskrit scriptures. This is
probably where Dr. Usui encountered the symbols which he used to found
the system Reiki.
Shamballa MDH is a blend of several different types of energy
Universal Life Force - Reiki is the energy that runs through all
beings, including the ‘objects’ all around you. It is the energy that
creates and gives life. Everyone and everything is made up energy, so we
can heal via energy.
Mahatma energy is also known as the I AM presence. It is the awareness
of the Self, as the Universal Source. That does not mean that you are
disconnected from everyone else, as a matter of fact it is saying that
the key to Oneness is inside of you. It is a recognition of who you
truly are your Wholeness. This is the most powerful energy- Pure,
Unconditional Love.
The energy of Ascended masters. They are beings who have completed
their reincarnation cycles and now exit in spirit form as teachers of
humanity. Their purpose is to assist others in their spiritual evolution
and the evolution of the planet as a whole.
What is meant by Multi - Dimensional?
is referred to Multidimensional because it focuses on Wholeness. We all
have various aspects of ourselves that, as we work with Shamballa come
up for us to work through as we so choose. Some pf these are familiar
such as physical pain we have been carrying around for a long time. Some
of these are familiar such as physical pain we have been carrying
around for a long time. Other times things may come up and we do not
know why they are happening. We do not know why we have such a hard time
letting go of a relationship that is not working. We feel so drawn to
someone or a way of being that is hurting us and we cannot understand
why, after we have done so much healing, it is not helping. This is when
many of us start to look for help, for answers, and discover via
synchronicities whole new ways of looking at things, whole new
people call Shamballa multi dimensional healing (Shamballa MDH) the
next step of Reiki. This is not intended, to mean that shamballa is
better than any other Reiki lineage. What it means is that Shamballa MDH
is a blend of energies that allow a focus healing via the
interconnectedness of all life, starting with yourself.
Shamballa MDH has four levels
Level 1 teaches how to offer a hands- on healing for yourself, also other people, as well as plants, animals and the Earth itself
Level 2 introduces symbols for distance healing, as well as new dimensions of the Shamballa power
Level 3 brings new energy aspects, new symbols, and it allows you to initiate students in Level 1 & Level 2
Level 4 gives you all of the 352 sacred Shamballa MDH symbols. The energy maximum is reached. You can give attunements for all of the Shamballa MDH levels.
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