Chandra Aura Reiki
means moon, which is known that the gentle energy of moon is associated
with beauty; and for spiritualist, it is a common, real, and powerful.
This gentle and beautiful energy of moon is the basic of beauty itself,
for instance, people always associated something beautiful with moon.
Aura is a reiki system combining power and beauty of the moon to
cleanse, strengthen, and open all aura buried in human. The power of
moon energy, cosmic, the base of flower beauty, the gentle of dew, and
the mystical power of moon are combined into a powerful reiki system to
cleanse, open, strengthen and activate all positive power of aura.
Aura Reiki is a simple system with no symbol and mantra. Use intention
only to flow the energy to cleanse your aura or others.
Chandra Aura Reiki is very useful for :
- Cleaning impurity and negative energy within aura.
- Opening all blockage in aura.
- Activating hidden power of aura such as charisma, attraction power and inner beauty.
- Giving calm and peace in heart.
- Cleansing all negative emotion such as anger, hate, etc.
- Brightening the face to make it looks more beautiful and handsome.
- Brightening the body, disappearing all bad luck.
- Prosperity, career, soul mate, and stay young.
- Emerging self confidence and full of energy all the time.
- And more.
Aura consist only 1 level, i.e. Master Level and it is a compulsory to
be a reiki master in any tradition to receive chandra aura reiki
attunement. The system of Chandra Aura is cleansing all aura layer from
impurities, negative energy; and opening all power of aura then
connecting practitioner with the source of Chandra Aura Reiki.
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