Soulmate Reiki

Soulmate Reiki

Soulmate Reiki works on two levels: One, it helps clear out any blocks and issues the client may have around their soulmate(s). Two, it can help in manifesting a soulmate relationship. (This applies to both romantic and non-romantic soulmates).
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What is a Soulmate?

There are many different beliefs and definitions of a soulmate. For some, there is only one soulmate, the romantic lover that you reunite with again and again throughout time. For others, there are many soulmates. Even friends and family members can be considered soulmates by some.

Twin Flames

Some believe in a “twin flame,” which is the classical definition of a soulmate as your better half, that person who completes you.
According to twin flame ideology, we only have one twin flame throughout eternity. Twin flames were said to be created perhaps at the beginning of time, when God split up each soul into two separate souls. The twin flame philosophy posits that each half of the twin flame is incomplete without the other. One half expresses the feminine energies, and the other half expresses the masculine energies.
Some believe that twin souls can only appear in traditional heterosexual pairings, because the male and female energies, the opposing forces or “yin and yang,” complete one another.
This idea precludes homosexual relationships, unfortunately, unless one believes that individuals in same sex couples can take on roles that express male and female energies.

The One

The idea of “the one” is a soulmate that you are meant to be with as a romantic life partner in this lifetime. (It does not necessarily mean that you are meant to be with this person in every lifetime.) “The One” does not have to be a twin flame.

Multiple Soulmates

Many believe that we have many potential “ones” or lifetime romantic partners. Whether or not we are with any specific soulmate depends on timing, readiness, and any number of factors.

Soul Friends: Soulmates as Spiritual Connections

To some, soulmates may not be romantic connections at all. They could simply be friends or family members one has a very strong affinity with.

What do you believe ?

Soulmate Reiki does not depend on you believing any specific philosophy regarding soulmates. It is up to you what you want to believe. If you believe in one twin soul, then you can work with Soulmate Reiki with that in mind. If you believe in soulmates as people you have strong spiritual connections with, then you can work with Soulmate Reiki on that level. Since there is a great interest in soulmates as romantic life partners, some romantic processes. 

Shambala Mdh

Shamballa MDH

Shamballa MDH (Shamballa Multi Dimensional Healing) is a gift from God. It is not only a system of energy healing, it is a way of accelerating your spiritual development. It works faster than the well known Reiki- a standard healing session continues for 20 minutes or so. In ancient Atlantis a high priest at the Temple of Healing created a healing system. He is now known as the Ascended Master Germain.
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When the continent was destroyed, he journeyed with several of his fellow brothers to ancient Tibet. They tried to continue the practice of raising spiritual consciousness in this place. In order to see how this practice would ensure, they gave three sacred symbols to a number of individuals, who were in close proximity to the Atlantic landing. Many of them used the symbols and the spiritual evolution that brought as well. Others, however, used this power in a dark, negative and baneful way. Germain and his fellows decided at this time not to give the full twenty- two symbols to any individual, in order to keep the full power that they thought would corrupt these individual’s minds from their grasp.
As the Inspirers traveled through India, they gave out a few symbols, which eventually made their way into Sanskrit scriptures. This is probably where Dr. Usui encountered the symbols which he used to found the system Reiki.

Shamballa MDH is a blend of several different types of energy

* Universal Life Force - Reiki is the energy that runs through all beings, including the ‘objects’ all around you. It is the energy that creates and gives life. Everyone and everything is made up energy, so we can heal via energy.
* Mahatma energy is also known as the I AM presence. It is the awareness of the Self, as the Universal Source. That does not mean that you are disconnected from everyone else, as a matter of fact it is saying that the key to Oneness is inside of you. It is a recognition of who you truly are your Wholeness. This is the most powerful energy- Pure, Unconditional Love.
* The energy of Ascended masters. They are beings who have completed their reincarnation cycles and now exit in spirit form as teachers of humanity. Their purpose is to assist others in their spiritual evolution and the evolution of the planet as a whole.

What is meant by Multi - Dimensional?
Shamballa is referred to Multidimensional because it focuses on Wholeness. We all have various aspects of ourselves that, as we work with Shamballa come up for us to work through as we so choose. Some pf these are familiar such as physical pain we have been carrying around for a long time. Some of these are familiar such as physical pain we have been carrying around for a long time. Other times things may come up and we do not know why they are happening. We do not know why we have such a hard time letting go of a relationship that is not working. We feel so drawn to someone or a way of being that is hurting us and we cannot understand why, after we have done so much healing, it is not helping. This is when many of us start to look for help, for answers, and discover via synchronicities whole new ways of looking at things, whole new understandings.
Many people call Shamballa multi dimensional healing (Shamballa MDH) the next step of Reiki. This is not intended, to mean that shamballa is better than any other Reiki lineage. What it means is that Shamballa MDH is a blend of energies that allow a focus healing via the interconnectedness of all life, starting with yourself.

Shamballa MDH has four levels

Level 1 teaches how to offer a hands- on healing for yourself, also other people, as well as plants, animals and the Earth itself
Level 2 introduces symbols for distance healing, as well as new dimensions of the Shamballa power
Level 3 brings new energy aspects, new symbols, and it allows you to initiate students in Level 1 & Level 2
Level 4 gives you all of the 352 sacred Shamballa MDH symbols. The energy maximum is reached. You can give attunements for all of the Shamballa MDH levels. 

Reiki Kundalini Tumo

Reiki Kundalini Tumo

Reiki Kundalini TuMo (RKT-M) is a hybrid of Reiki, gTumo activation and Kundalini activation.  This is what each attunement does in Reiki Kundalini Tumo:

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Level 1

Connects you to the source of Reiki Kundalini Tumo energy - Clean your physical and etheric bodies from all blockages, negative energy and physical / emotional / spiritual diseases-Open all major charkas - Clear your shumsumna (main energy channel) - Level one gTumo activation (respa level).

Level 2

Connects you to the source of Reiki Kundalini Tumo energy - Clean your physical and etheric bodies from all blockages, negative energy and physical / emotional / spiritual diseases - Open all major charkas-Clear your shumsumna main energy channel), Clean two main nadis (ida + pingala) and 108 supporting nadis - Level two gTumo activation (high respa level).

Level 3a (Personal Master)

Connects you to the source of Reiki Kundalini Tumo energy - Clean your physical and etheric bodies from all blockages, negative energy and physical / emotional / spiritual diseases - Open all major charkas - Clear your shumsumna (main energy channel)- Clean two main nadis (ida + pingala) and 108 supporting nadis, Clean all nadis - All chakras opened, activated and cleaned further- Kundalini energy activated up to heart chakra - gTumo booster.

Level 3b (Master/Teacher)

Connects you to the source of Reiki Kundalini Tumo energy - Clean your physical and etheric bodies from all blockages, negative energy and physical / emotional / spiritual diseases - Open all major charkas - Clear your shumsumna (main energy channel) -  Clean all nadis - All chakras opened, activated and cleaned further, kundalini energy activated up to crown chakra - Pineal and pituitary glands activated - Third eye chakra activation - gTumo booster - Authorization to give attunements to others.


Reiki Kundalini Tumo

Reiki Kundalini Tumo has strong Tibetan influences (activation of gTumo and kundalini, all Usui/Tibetan symbols are used, in the structure of  the levels). Although there are several traditions calling themselves Tibetan, Tibet/Usui or gTumo, the most ancient and complete Tibetan tradition is thought to be Tumo Reiki. This tradition is very different from other Usui based Reiki traditions. As an ancient and sacred spiritual technique, the way to achieve enlightenment within one lifetime, Tummo Reiki also has the potential superiority in awakening Kundalini and aides the cleansing and purification processes of Kundalini thus giving consciousness expansion for the practitioners. While all Usui based traditions deal with healing, the Tumo tradition may also bring about a very powerful spiritual understanding above and beyond the healing aspects of Reiki.
Kundalini is a magnificent power that lies dormant in most people. Awakened Kundalini in someone will do complete cleansing and purification on chakras, layers of the bodies, and eteric channels. After passing the cleansing and purification processes, a person can have different psychic powers and a higher level of consciousness.
Yoga means union with God. Most of yoga traditions believe that Kundalini is a must for a union with God. However, awakening Kundalini was not easy in the past. Many people spent tens of years simply to awaken their Kundalini..and it was simply the starting point. The cleansing and purification processes themselves needed much longer time than to awaken Kundalini. In Hinduism, it is believed that a person needs many live cycles to complete the whole Kundalini awakening, cleansing, and purification processes.
As Aquarian time approaches, this is no longer the case. We all know that the movements of planets influence human bodies and lives. Our solar system almost reach’s the nearest distance to the center of the galaxy and already been in photon band - an occurrence of once every 24,000 years!. The high frequency of photon energy increase human receptivity to spirituality. Awakening Kundalini can be done within minutes. This awakening is call a shaktipat from guru. The whole cleansing and purification processes can be completed within years. It is just the matter of one's will to do required exercises to pass cleansing and purification stages. 

Money Reiki

Money Reiki

Money reiki is here to heal the energy of money - your Personal Money Energy, and tribal Money Energy. We want to bring all that energy back to the spiritual energy of money. The spiritual energy of money is different from tribal money energy. The spiritual energy of money is the energy of money in its highest form. This is the pure, unblemished energy of money direct from source.
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The spiritual energy of money has the following effects :

  • It support each individual to earn money in ways to that support their highest good and the highest good of others.
  • It encourages the technical use of money.
  • It support true abundance, where everyone is fed, clotched and housed.
  • It puts money in its proper place - where consumerism and "bigger and better" are not taking he place of spirituality.
  • It help intuitons evolve to higher levels, so that they work more from heart and less from bureaucracy.
Money reiki is to help heal tribal money energy, and bring it back in alignment with the spiritual energy of money. This is the beauty of this form of money. When you use money reiki, you will not only help yourself with your own financial issues, you will help the planet.


Money Reiki Levels :

Level 1 : You will learn how to use money reiki energies, including performing treatments, giving financial blessings, and creating a money magnet.
Level 2  :  You will get 3 new symbols and more tools to use money reiki.
Level 3  :  You will receive the powerful attunement to rewire your energy system to become a money magnet. You will be able to pass all money reiki attunements to others.


Full Abundance

Full Abundance

Full Abundance is a system that used to accessing and make use abundance energy in the Abundance Zone with comprehensive. Why said “with comprehensive”, because many happen the miss - perception that the abundance just about money. Actually abundance not only limit of that, although money is one of the base from abundance. Abundance energy related also with money, wealth, success, freedom of time, and others. Necessary understood that abundance doesn't come limit of increase your income, but also can many matters of that, for example : get lottery, get food freely, get expense discount, get a project / business, and as it. So, here i want to remind you that abundance is something that not limited and don't limitted. Whatever can happen, which is on the kernel gives ease for yourself is a also abundance form.
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Basically, the universe opens wide gate Abundance Zone to accessinged and used to the good with human life progress. But, often human connection stripe with Abundance Zone this defiled by many negative energy, so that retard energy abundance flow fluently into human self. Even, maybe can fataler than merely be retarded, energy negative can cause connection stripe be brokened off. expenditure imprecisely (extravagant), and as it. such matters makes somebody that experience it to think that “Bad Fortune”, “destined be poor”, then negative mind like that more makes to increase the dirty connection stripe with Abundance Zone.


Full Abundance have 2 Level

1. Full Abundance Practitioner

Benefits :
  • Open the connection stripe with Abundance Zone.
  • Clearing the negative energy that make dirty the connection stripe.
  • Abundance Magnet.

2. Full Abundance Master

Benefits :
  • Brace and widen connection stripe with the Abundance Zone so that abundance energy gain strength and quick flow to into yourself.
  • Programming a thing is abundance magnet.
  • Duplicated the Abundance Zone on a location / a place.
  • Abundance Rose, this equipment is used to success in make business agreement / project. suggested only used to big project.
  • Give the Full Abundance attunement to others.


Huna Reiki

Huna Reiki

The Hawaiian Huna Philosophy This ancient tradition believes that the key to living a fulfilled life lies in the awakening and integration of your subconscious or lower self, the conscious or middle self, and the spiritual or higher self.
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It offers us a profoundly beautiful philosophy of life centered in love with the vision of humankind, nature, and the divine as harmonious parts of a cosmic community.
Huna is much more than a philosophy, it is a way of life that gives us a set of practices that are simple yet, profoundly transformational. This attunement will connect with the essence of this energy, the work is up to you.
Historically the Kahuna was the spiritual master who was the keeper of the Huna knowledge and tradition. When the English settled in the Hawaiian islands the practice of Huna was banned and the Kahuna's went into hiding. Today these practices are emerging once again to help us heal.

Erotic Empowerment

Erotic Empowerment

Erotic Empowerment is a system energy that form of field energy magnet so that give a fascination for another person towards our self. One of the important function and basic function from this magnetic field to increasing the self confidence, because self confidence is key from all hope and human success. Has less self confidence, this matter one of them caused because the weak magnetic field in self, so that felt that person at vinicity frowns upon, doesn't care, and the mortallyer hate it. Such ideas will give negative effect towards, littered energy body layers … So that magnetic field in self more weaker, what is there in the idea more and more happen, and automatically he is more unconvinceder self.
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In 1st Level of Erotic Empowerment, Your energy body layer and aura be cleaned from negative energy that littered so that aura can spout with interest strong, with inner beauty can appear from within yourself. This useful to increase sympathy from other person. As well as increase your self confidence, and other benefit.
In 2nd level of Erotic Empowerment, your sex appeal is increased so that you have sexual fascination stronger towards another person, especially oposite gender. This matter may be very will help for that experience difficulty gets pair. And you can pass Erotic Empowerment 1 and 2 to others.
 In general, The Erotic Empowerment functions is :
  • Increase your self confidence.
  • Help to increase your relationship abilities.
  • Help to increase self placidity.
  • Send out your aura to be more strong.
  • Increase your sex appeal.
  • Increase your healthly.
  • Help to create more better relationships with another person.
  • Help to simplify and speed up to get alive pair (Husband / Wife).
  • And, still many other function. 

Chandra Aura Reiki

Chandra Aura Reiki

Chandra means moon, which is known that the gentle energy of moon is associated with beauty; and for spiritualist, it is a common, real, and powerful. This gentle and beautiful energy of moon is the basic of beauty itself, for instance, people always associated something beautiful with moon.
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Chandra Aura is a reiki system combining power and beauty of the moon to cleanse, strengthen, and open all aura buried in human. The power of moon energy, cosmic, the base of flower beauty, the gentle of dew, and the mystical power of moon are combined into a powerful reiki system to cleanse, open, strengthen and activate all positive power of aura.
Chandra Aura Reiki is a simple system with no symbol and mantra. Use intention only to flow the energy to cleanse your aura or others.


Chandra Aura Reiki is very useful for :

  • Cleaning impurity and negative energy within aura.
  • Opening all blockage in aura.
  • Activating hidden power of aura such as charisma, attraction power and inner beauty.
  • Giving calm and peace in heart.
  • Cleansing all negative emotion such as anger, hate, etc.
  • Brightening the face to make it looks more beautiful and handsome.
  • Brightening the body, disappearing all bad luck.
  • Prosperity, career, soul mate, and stay young.
  • Emerging self confidence and full of energy all the time.
  • And more.


Chandra Aura consist only 1 level, i.e. Master Level and it is a compulsory to be a reiki master in any tradition to receive chandra aura reiki attunement. The system of Chandra Aura is cleansing all aura layer from impurities, negative energy; and opening all power of aura then connecting practitioner with the source of Chandra Aura Reiki.

Angle Stone

Angel Stone

Know that Angel Stones are very special energy tools that will spread love and light into your life!. When you activate an Angel Stone by the Attunement an angel will be connected to it! It’s quite a different experience, than wearing a crystal or other subtle energy tools. When wearing an Angel Stone, a special assigned angel is constantly in your energy field, providing you with the energy you need. It balances, heals and protects you. It feels very gentle and soothing.

The angel works on our blocks and helps us to stay balanced and more focused on beauty and joy. It lifts our spirit! Also works perfectly in healing sessions. Just place a stone (one is enough) on the person you are giving healing to. As a distance healing just write the person’s name on a piece of paper and place the stone on the name for as long as you wish. It can also be placed under your pillow while you sleep.
When placed in a room, the stone will begin to work with the energies in that room. It will send out soothing and balancing energies, to lift the atmosphere.
A further property of Angel Stones is that they can charge your drinking water. Just hold the stone on the side of the glass/jar/bottle of water for some seconds and the water has been charged. The cells in your body will accept this water much better than ordinary uncharged water, as the cells better accept the “love structured” water. It is possible to be dehydrated; even if you drink 2 litres of water every day! The cells are not fully accepting the uncharged water, because of its chaotic structure. I began drinking the charged water one morning and I could already feel a difference in the evening! My skin became softer and had a more silk-like feel to it!
The stones do not need to be cleansed, as they will not absorb negative energy. Wear the stones; put them under your pillow at night, slip into tub or place on shower fitting to charge water etc. The power of Angel Stone comes from the Attunement process, with the duration of 999 days!
A powerful angel "servant" is connected to the stone and can be commanded. Just hold the stone in your hand and mentally state your need. Just by wearing the stone will infuse high frequency light of healing and protection into your aura and give you a radiant appearance. Energy is not infused into the stone but flows constantly from the angelic realms thru it.
The Angel Stone works perfectly in healing sessions. Just place the stone on the person you are giving healing to. As a distance healing just write the person's name on a piece of paper and place the stone on the name for as long as you wish.
To make a healing/protection oil, place the stone in a little bottle of oil. Then ask the angel servant to infuse healing/protection energies into the oil. Wait 20 minutes and the oil is ready to use. Use to anoint chakras or to places of concern.
I hope that you will enjoy your Angel Stones, and I would love to hear from you, about your experiences with them!

Tele Hypnosis Software

Tele Hipnosis Software

Tele Hypnosis is an advanced esoteric program that uses the occult potency of your computer to help you influence people, to get the best out of you, and even to obtain minor magick results. The program is mainly based on radionics, and takes its origin in the ancient Qabalistic Magick. learn reiki - reiki attunement


You can do a lot of things, for example:
  • Make a girl/boy love you passionately.
  • Recover a broken friendship.
  • Get the best out of your children, increase their memory and study capabilities, and make them study harder.
  • Change the bad and dark sides of your children’s or someone’s personality.
  • Influence your boss to get an raise of you monthly salary or a promotion within the business.
  • Make someone do something.
  • Make someone stop molesting you.
  • Maintain peace within the family or a job when problems come.
  • Influence a job interviewer to hire you over the rest of candidates.
  • Use it over your own photography for auto hypnosis purposes: loose weight, stop smoking, enhance your sexual life, remove your bad habits and enhance your natural skills.
  • Any situation where you need to influence someone....



Radionic is known as the most innovative field of the esoterism, although it is not very new. Basically, radionics is a form of magick where the magician (called radionic operator) uses a series of modern tools to get his goals. This tools are usually electricity or computer devices, and even home appliances; a new type of magick, based on the radionic's knowledge uses  refrigerators, ovens, microwaves, etc.  Mainly, radionic is very similar to the traditional magick and also to voodoo.
The field of radionic that uses the computers is sometimes called "electronic magick" and it has shown to be the most powerful of all the radionics tools. Think of the millions of operations a computer performs in a second, the many times the screen is refreshed in a second, and the energy that all of that produces. It may look like what you see in the screen is virtual, but a correctly developed radionic program makes the computer calculate determined operations based in the numerology, gematry and sometimes the enokian language, liberating a big and powerful quantity of astral energy of a certain type. On top of that, the use of traditional powerful symbols, no matter if they are painted on a paper, grabbed on a mineral or showed in the screen of a computer, give out their own power that is added to the energy liberated by the computer. They are basically used to conduct the liberated energy to focus to a certain objective and also sometimes are used to involve superior intelligences (Angels, planetary spirits, etc), as the radionic operation acts as a form of getting their authorization to the magical operation that is being performed.


First of all, you need a radionic tool. It can be a traditional radionic machine built with potentiometers, cables, and a sample plate; it really works fine, but it is tedious, and the presence of the radionic operator is required all the time. Instead, you can use a radionic program, that also works fine like the radionic machine, and, best, the operator doesn't have to be in the front of the computer all the time. The operator only decides what he/she wants, chooses the sample of the goal and starts the program. Then he/she goes away and leaves the computer work on its own. The computer will take care of everything. That's another reason why computer radionic achieve goals in much less time than radionic machines. Nobody wants be in the front of a radionic machine concentrating many hours. Instead, a computer can be running a radionic program many hours a day while the radionic operator is shopping at the market!


Like voodoo or traditional magick, you need a sample of the person/animal/object desired goal, and in computer radionic, this sample will be usually a photo; the sample per excellence. Without a photo, you will be able to run the programs, but experience has shown to be less effective and take more time to get the desired results. Also, in some radionic programs, you will need the radionic index number of the person/animal/object.
It's a three or a six digits number that astrally represents a person / animal /spirit / object. For example: 934. This number is used in all the traditional radionic machines and in some of radionic programs (some radionic programs do not need the R.I.N). It can be compared to a radio, where to listen to a broadcasting station you need to know the frequency of the radio station. If you know the R.I.N of a person, all later operations related to that person based on his/her R.I.N will be synchronized with his/her astral body, so he/she will be much more receptive to astral influences. It's like a backdoor to his/her astral body where your influences will go in.
This is also a frequent question. In a few days,  using the program nearly all day, you should be able to start seeing some results (between 2-3 days). The program carries out the influencing by mining the subconscious mind of the subject little by little. You will not be able see dramatic changes and results from one day to other. In some weeks though clear results will show. For example, for love uses (to influence a girl/boy to love you, etc), the most requested influence by the users, it is taking between 15-30 days to get your goals. For minor uses, a week will be sufficient. These time periods are all tentative as they depend on the number of hours you have the program running, the type of message you want to send, the style of the message, and, most important, the physic resistance of the subject and his/her previous thoughts/feelings about the idea/feeling you want to introduce in his/her subconscious mind.
So, for example, for an hysterical non stable subject, the program will be successful very quickly. On the other hand, if the subject has a very stable mind, and his/her feet on the ground, the subject will be more difficult to influence and will take more time to get the goal.
For example, you are boy, and you have a girl that is a very good friend of yours, but yet does not want to be your girlfriend. In this case, being your friend, she will not be totally opposed to the idea of being your girlfriend. It will take less time to influence her to love you or ask you to go out with her. But in other cases, when a girl dislikes you and has always disliked you, and her feelings pattern within her subconscious mind is totally opposed to your influence, it will take much more time to reprogram her subconscious mind to be receptive to you first, and later, to love you.
What does the influenced subject feel when he/she is being influenced? Have you ever noticed in the past that, for example, a girl which you were very interested in, all of the sudden some night you have a dream about her and start looking at her with different eyes? Or perhaps, without dreaming,  you suddenly see that person walking past you and look at her with different eyes than the day before. At the beginning, you don't love her/him yet, but now you are not totally opposed to this idea, and you even feel some attraction to her.
This situation has happened to a lot of men and women, and most of the times when we were at secondary School Our mind is very receptive then, and also, the time where girls cast many love spells, not very powerful as you need certain skill on concentration to cast powerful spells. I didn't know that was the reason at the time.  This is usually due to love spells casting and mind control. (The traditional mind control where you have to be sat on a chair for a long time concentrated on the girl/boy you love and send her/him love commands, or other types of remote mind control).
This is also the way Tele Hypnosis works. The subject influenced by the program feels something like this, and this feeling comes from the subconscious mind. It begins with a change of the girl´s mind with regards to you. Continuous running of the program will influence her to fall in love with you.


In some cases, especially when the program is used for auto hypnosis to remove bad habits of the character, when you get the full results, and you stop using the program, after some months, maybe that you need some sessions again to reforce the reprogrammation of the subconsciuos, this never occurs in remote seduction uses, but may happen in auto hypnosis uses, so if you use the program to lose weight for example, after some months, there is a possibility that your subconscious become influenced by outside influences, so you need to reforce the reprogramation made with the program. About seven remembering sessions of 4-6 hours, one session each day during seven days is ok.