Akashic Records
Akashic is Sanskrit for “primary substance”.
The Records have been referred to by different names such as: The Book of Life,the Cosmic mind, the Universal Mind, the collective unconscious, the collective subconscious, and the Soul Records.
They embrace the past, present, and future knowledge of all things. The Records are the universal filing system which records all thoughts, words, and actions. Theyare the repository of all human experience, a record of all events. They are records of all talents and knowledge.They are not actual books or scrolls, though many people see them as such when they access them, but they are actually energetic vibration. It is this energy vibration that translates into images, forms, symbols, imagery, and language that the mind can understand.
The main purpose of reading the Records is to provide valuable information to assist in having a better life. An Akashic reading can provide important guidance on how to work through current problems, it can present opportunities for growth, bring clarity to thought processes, and can help sort out difficult or major life transitions.
This attunement provides simple techniques and scripts to help you to access the Akashic Records for both yourself and others. With practice you may receive spiritual guidance, discover the impact your past lives have on your current life and much more besides.
There are no prerequisites to receiving the Akashic Records attunement. There is one distance attunement.
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